Chen-Kun Tsung


Dep. of Computer Science and Information Engineering
National Chin-Yi University of Technology


2020 Targets

Keep Moving

In 2019, I had finished two annual aims. Not only clear the unfinished jobs, but also have to achieve 2020 aims.!

  1. Publish THREE journal papers, and target at 4 if possible (1/4)
  2. Reduce body fat to 17, and target at 15 if possible
  3. Learn tolerance
  • Recap the targets in 2020
    1. Publish THREE journal papers (3/3)
    2. Reduce to 68 KG (04/25 first time touch)
    3. Achieve Tataka ride (DNS)
  • Recap the targets in 2019
    1. Promotion - 2020/6/12 Done
    2. Home - 2019/6/13 Done
    3. Lost 5 KG - 2019/10/14 Done


  1. Doctor of Engineering

  2. Master of Engineering

  3. Bachelor of Engineering

Research Field of Interest

  1. Data Science 抽取數據特性,建構異質數據匯流中心,涵蓋環境感測、智慧生活感知、生產製造以及農業環境等主題場域,設計高吞吐量的數據存取環境、具附加價值的應用服務、高效能的事件決策計算機制,以輔助決策者或管理員掌握目前環境的狀態以及未來可能發生的事件。
  2. Combinatorial Optimization 透過啟發式演算法 (Heuristic Algorithm)、貪婪演算法 (Greedy Algorithm)、機器學習 (Machine Learning) 等技術在多個決策面向中找到平衡點,讓結果可以在不同的面向中都能夠得到勻稱的優勢。
  3. Game Theory Application 以各種均衡概念為核心,運用機制設計技巧設計可達到穩定的計算方法設計。

Implementation Field of Interest

  1. Service Virtualization 以網路技術 (Web Technology) 為核心,透過開放式資料格式做為數據溝通的介面,將軟硬體服務虛擬化 (Virtualization) 後成為網路服務 (Web Service),讓使用者或是程式設計師可以透過網際網路就能夠存取軟硬體服務。
  2. Data Visualization 在物聯網的環境中,大量資料將被不斷的產生,常見的應用場域如產線數據或系統記錄 (System Log),這些數據大多是記錄正常的作動,但其利用價值低,當被觀注事件發生時或發生前所產生的特徵值是值得被關注的。此外,將數據的特徵以圖形化方式呈現便是觀測者不可獲缺的量測工具
  3. Decision Optimization 在決策產生時通常會被多種條件所侷限,使得決策會在不同面向上有所缺陷而需要有所取捨 (Tradeoff),常見的限制條件如資源限制 (Resource Constraints) 和運算時間限制 (Time Constraints) ,利用組合最佳化在不同的限制條件中取得決策的平衡結果可倚靠人工智慧技術 (Artificial Intelligence Technology) 來實現。

Employment History

  1. National Chin-Yi University of Technology

    • 2024 / 02 ~ Now Dep. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Professor
    • 2022 / 08 ~ Now Dep. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chairman
    • 2018 / 08 ~ 2022 / 07 Computer Center, Division of Networking and System Service, Division Head
    • 2017 / 02 ~ 2018 / 07 Office of Continuing and Extension Education, Division of Academic Allairs, Division Head
    • 2020 / 02 ~ 2024 / 01 Dep. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Associate Professor
    • 2016 / 08 ~ 2020 / 01 Dep. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Assistant Professor
  2. Institute for Information Industry

    • 2015 / 08 ~ 2016 / 07, Central Industry Research & Service Division, Section Manager
    • 2014 / 08 ~ 2016 / 07, Central Industry Research & Service Division, Senior Engineer

Journal Papers

  1. Chen-Kun Tsung , Chao-Tung Yang*, Jung-Chun Liu, Chun Hsiung, Shih-Kuang Chang, and Ming-Shang~Hsu, "On Construction of Precise Positioning System via IEEE 802.11ax," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 10, No. 14, pp. 12951-12960, 2023. (SCIE, EI) (2022 IF: 10.6)
  2. Chen-Kun Tsung , Jung-Chun Liu, Shu-Hua Liu, Vinod Kumar Verma and Chao-Tung Yang*, "Performance Analysis in HyperFlex and vSAN Hyper Convergence Platforms for Online Course Consideration," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 124464-124474. (SCIE) (2021 IF: 3.476)
  3. Chen-Kun Tsung and Yung-An Tsou*, "Recognizing Edge-based Diseases of Vocal Cords by Using Convolutional Neural Networks," IEEE Access, Vol. 10, pp. 120383-120397, 2022. (SCIE) (2021 IF: 3.476)
  4. Hsiao-Yu Wang, Chen-Kun Tsung*, Ching-Hua Hung, and Chen-Huei Chen, "Designing the Rule Classification with Oversampling approach with High Accuracy for Imbalanced Data in Semiconductor Production Lines," Multimedia Tools and Applications, Vol. 81, No. 25, pp. 36437–36452,2022. (SCIE) (2021 IF: 2.577)
  5. Chen-Huei Chen*, Chen-Kun Tsung*, and Shyr-Shen Yu , "Designing a Hybrid Equipment-Failure Diagnosis Mechanism under Mixed-Type Data with Limited Failure Samples," Applied Sciences, Vol. 12,, No. 18, pp. 1-14. (SCIE) (2021 IF: 2.838)
  6. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Fa-Shian Chang, and Xiu-Yu, Liu, "On construction of Edge-based Remote Sensing Framework: the Applications on Automated Guided vehicles and Drones," Electronics, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 1-12, 2022. (SCIE) (2021 IF: 2.69)
  7. Chen-Kun Tsung*, "Optimizing the Tolerance for the Products with Multi-Dimensional Chains via Simulated Annealing," Symmetry, Vol. 13, No. 10, pp. 1-24, 2021. (SCIE) (2020 IF: 2.713)
  8. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Sing-Ling Lee, Hann-Jang Ho, and ShengKai Chou, "A Modularity-maximization-based Approach for Detecting Multi-communities in Social Networks," Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 303, pp. 381–411, 2021. (SCI, SCIE, EI) (2020 IF: 4.854)
  9. Chen-Kun Tsung, Chao-Tung Yang*, Rajiv Ranjan, Yong-Lun Chen and Jean-Huei Ou, "Performance Evaluation of vSAN Application: a Case Study in 3D and AI Virtual Application Cloud Service," Human-centric Computing and Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 1-18, 2021. (SCIE) (2019 IF: 3.7)
  10. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Hann-Jang Ho, Chien-Yu Chen, Tien-Wei Chang, and Sing-Ling Lee, "Detecting Overlapping Communities in Modularity Optimization by Reweighting Vertices," Entropy, Vol. 22, No. 8, pp. 1-19, 2020. (SCIE) (2019 IF: 2.494)
  11. Chen-Kun Tsung, Chao-Tung Yang*, and Shun-Wen Yang, "Visualizing Potential Transportation Demand from ETC Log Analysis Using ELK Stack," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp. 6623-6633, 2020. (SCIE, EI) (2019 IF: 9.936)
  12. Chun-Tai Yen, Chen-Kun Tsung*, and Wen-Fang Wu, "Detecting Removed Attributes in the Cyber System for Smart Manufacturing," the Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 76, No. 8, pp. 6280-6301, 2020. (SCI, SCIE, EI) (2019 IF: 2.469)
  13. Chen-Kun Tsung, Tseng-Fung Ho*, Hsuan-Yu Huang, Shu-Hui Yang, Po-Nien Tsou, Ming-Cheng Tsai, Yi-Ping Huang, "Computing the Assembly Guidance for Maximizing Product Quality in the Virtual Assembly," Sustainability, Vol. 12, No. 11, pp. 1-14, 2020. (SCIE, SSCI) (2019 IF: 2.576)
  14. Chen-Kun Tsung , Hsiang-Yi Hsieh, and Chao-Tung Yang*, "An Implementation of Scalable High Throughput Data Platform for Logging Semiconductor Testing Results," IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 26497 - 26506, 2019. (SCIE, EI) (2018 IF: 4.098)
  15. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Chun-Tai Yen, and Wen-Fang Wu, "A Software Defined-Based Hybrid Cloud for the Design of Smart Micro-Manufacturing System," Microsystem Technologies, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 4329–4340, 2018. (SCI, SCIE, EI) (2017 IF: 1.581)
  16. Tsung-Hung Lin, Chen-Kun Tsung*, Tian-Fu Lee, and Zeng-Bo Wang, "A Round-Efficient Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Based on Extended Chaotic Maps for Group Cloud Meeting," Sensors, Vol. 17, No. 12, pp. 2793-2807, 2017. (SCIE, EI) (2016 IF: 2.677)
  17. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Hann-Jang Ho, and Sing-Ling Lee, "Correcting Vindictive Bidding Behaviors in Sponsored Search Auctions," the Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 69, No. 3, pp. 1166-1182, 2014. (SCI, SCIE, EI) (2013 IF: 0.741)
  18. Chen-Kun Tsung, Hann-Jang Ho*, and Sing-Ling Lee, "A Game Theoretical Approach for Solving Winner Determination Problems," Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2014, Article ID 845071, 10 pages. (SCIE) (2013 IF: 0.72)
  19. Chen-Kun Tsung*, Hann-Jang Ho, and Sing-Ling Lee, "Bid Increment Adjusting Strategies in English Auction-based Sponsored Search," Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 1377-1387, 2014. (SCIE, SSCI) (2013 IF: 1.232)
  20. Chen-Kun Tsung, Hann-Jang Ho*, and Sing-Ling Lee, "Strategic Bidding Behaviors in Nondecreasing Sponsored Search Auctions," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2013, Article ID 206386, 8 pages, 2013. (SCIE, EI) (2012 IF: 1.383)
* corresponding author


  1. 111 學年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵


  1. ICPC, Technical Reviewer, 2023
  2. TUPC/PUPC, Technical Reviewer, 2020, 2022, 2023
  3. IPAS, Technical Reviewer, 2008

Invited Talk

  1. The Applications and Trend of GAI , Aisa University, 2024-03。
  2. GAI for Digital Transformation , GAI Workshop, 2024-03。
  3. Research and Career Planning in University , Dayeh Universit , 2022-10。
  4. Virtual Assemgly in Quality Optimization , Taichung Tanzi Technology Industrial Park, 2022-05。
  5. Warehouse Management under IoT and Cloud , China Productivity Center, 2021-08。
  6. Data Visualization for Industry 4.0 , Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center,2020-09。
  7. VR Applications: A Case Study in Warehouse Management , Shi Nan Association of Industry and Commerce, 2020-07、2020-08。
  8. Industry-University Collaboration for Strategicly Cultivating in Preventing Talent Gap , Workshop for Industrial Data-based Digital Transformation, 2018-08。
  9. Big Data Analysis for Manufacturing: The Power of visibility and invisibility ,Dajia Youth Industrial Park Service Center, 2018-07。
  10. Data Necessay for Industry 4.0 , Feng Chia University, 2017-04。
  11. Big Data Analysis Trend , Aisa University, 2015-03。

Journal Service

  1. Human-centric Computing and Sciences, 2022
  2. Journal of Supercomputing, 2018 ~ Now.
  3. Applied Sciences, 2019 ~ Now.
  4. Electronics, 2020 ~ Now.
  5. Sensors, 2020 ~ Now.
  6. Symmetry, 2020 ~ Now.
  7. Mathematics, 2020 ~ Now.
  8. IEEE Access, 2020.
  9. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020.
  10. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019.
  11. International Journal of Communication Systems, 2019.
  12. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2018.
  13. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2015 ~ 2016.
  14. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2015.
  15. Journal of Internet Technology, 2012.
  16. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2012.

Journal Editing

  1. Applied Sciences, Guest Editor in Special Issue: Smart and Innovative Service Design and Implementation, 2022.
  2. Applied Sciences, Guest Editor in Special Issue: Edge Computing with AI, 2021.
  3. Applied Sciences, Guest Editor in Special Issue: Innovative Applications of Big Data and Cloud Computing, 2019.


Tolerance 每個人都有自己的想法,多元的社會應該要接受不一樣的意見,即便那是一條受到爭議的道路,能夠對自己負責就隨他去吧。

Cycling 靠著自己的能力前進,所到之處盡是自己的汗水堆積的成果,那種征服的成就感與愉悅是難以形容。幾分的練車就有幾分的回報,單車的路上沒有奇蹟。

Challenge 人生就是一連串挑戰的組合,有褒也有貶,盡力扮演好自己的角色,努力勇往直前。